National Golf Foundation



Fujikura Composites

Company Information

Mailing Address: 1819 Aston Ave
Carlsbad, CA  92008-7338
Location Address: 1819 Aston Ave
Carlsbad, CA  92008-7338
Country: United States
County: San Diego County
DMA: 825 - San Diego CA
CBSA: 41740 - San Diego-Carlsbad, CA
Region: 9 - Pacific
Phone: (760) 598-6060
Fax: (760) 598-2300
Toll Free Number: (800) 728-6420
Website: http://

Contact Information

Owner/President: Dave Schnider, President & CEO
Head of Marketing: Eric Recher, Director of Marketing
Other Contact(s): Jeremy Butler, Director of Sales and Operations
  Chad Embrey, Sales Manager

Business Segment Description

Target Audience: Businesses
Segment(s): Component

Company Description

Supplier of graphite shafts to OEM and after market.

Company Accomplishments

Supplier to major OEM companies. Number 1 shaft on PGA Tour for 7 years.


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